Fonts not for scale



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    Soren Staun

    Hey Klaus :-)

    If you right click your browser background you'll notice MooD creates as big a picture of your page elements as it possibly can to ensure the best performance (sending one big image is a lot less expensive than sending a background image, and then all the rest of the elements one by one). This is what I call "MooD burning in graphical elements".

    MooD generally burns in as much as possible unless it thinks that the label/text whatever is interactive. If you do not want the text to burn in, I can recommend adding an interactive panel on top of it to prevent it from doing this (even if the panel does nothing).

    Hope that makes sense :-)



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    Klaus Gadegaard


    Hi Søren


    Thanks for the answer, but it does not make sense to me.


     I just want to display some plain text, with a background and the font of my choice. For that purpose I use a Text Box and style it accordingly. It should be a really simple thing to do for any server.


    What you are saying is that MooD “burns” it into an image and this is what the server offer clients?


    And the reason should be performance? How can this be faster than just sending the text and some HTML-attributes or the text and a style sheet? Any browser will understand something like this and I find it hard to believe that any conversion to anything else would be faster:




    <body style="background-color:powderblue;">


    <h1>MooD is great/h1>


    <p>And the text scales really nice and smoothly</p>






    I might be wrong and in that case I would like an option “do not convert to image”. I want my text to scale and I want my users to be able to select and copy text from my application.




    Meanwhile I will use Labels and Info Panels although it is a bit of a detour.




    Kind Regards


    /Klaus Gadegaard


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    Matthew Dodd

    Hi Klaus, the reason we produce images for text boxes is that we want the Business Architect canvas to look as close as possible to the web canvas.  There are also issues when you overlap images on the model.  A short term solution could be to provide an option to use HTML text but we would struggle to implement options like 'clip text to shape' etc.


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    Klaus Gadegaard

    Point taken. But I do think that we will drop Text Boxes and use Info Panels, Labels, etc.

    Thanks to both Søren and Matthew.

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