Add Data Table to Any Theme



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    Matthew Dodd

    FYI It was always the intention to allow multiple Data Table Themes, it was just on the roadmap. We sacrificed some functionality in order to get the initial release out.

    Here are the stories in our backlog:

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    Matthew Dodd

    Hi Peter, this would be a massive undertaking since each Theme always contains the same fundamental element type (i.e. it uses the same database table). Would having multiple Data Table themes be a good compromise?


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    Peter Kristensen

    Multiple Data Table themes is a good start, but I still think the better solution is to allow Data Table type to be added in any theme.

    It should be possible to configure the meta-model so it is a reflection of the business - I believe you like the term "Digital Twin" these days. Thus, it should be possible to have a theme with all the universal types, measure types, and data table types belonging to this theme, so the theme is modelled as a reflection of the business it represents.

    Having special data table themes, prevents me from creating a meta-model that reflects the business. It feels like going back to the old days where there was a special measure theme.

    The theme should just be a simple grouping of types - any type.



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    Peter Kristensen

    Hi Matt,

    I understand that the current Data Tables theme is vastly different from the other themes because it does not use the "MooD*" database tables. Perhaps it would be more correct to say that the Data Table type is vastly different from the Universal Type and Measure Type. If so, then I do not understand why it is a massive undertaking to have the Data Table type all themes.

    Being able to create multiple Data Tables themes would be a good start, because then I can at least start to group the Data Table types, instead of having them all in one huge list.


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    Jason Rose

    I also think that having multiple themes for data tables would be useful (vs data tables in multiple other themes which I personally wouldn't like)

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