Action Panel is the general term for the many controls that allow you to develop dynamic web
solutions using MooD Active Enterprise. They are grouped into the following categories:
- Controls - Includes many general purpose controls such as drop-down selection, calendar and tick box controls.
- Editing Elements - Includes controls for editing elements and fields within elements.
- Navigation - Includes controls that allow users to navigate throughout a solution.
- Security - Includes, for example, controls to create users and send password reminders.
- Web Page - Page management controls such as a refresh timer.
Below is an image showing all the action panels in MooD IAP. They can be found in the ribbon under Home > Insert > Actions.
All action panels are added in the same general way. You place them on a model that you intend to publish using Active Enterprise, and then configure and format them to get the look, feel and interaction you require.
Once an action panel is on a model, you can flip it and configure its content or behaviour, and use the Panel group of tabs on the ribbon to format it. The tabs vary depending on the action panel type.
Adding an Action Panel
To add an action panel to a model, the first step is to open a model. The next step is to navigate to Home > Insert > Actions and the select the control that you require. Now click anywhere on the model to add the control.
The below GIF shows how to add a Drop Down to a model.
Configuring an Action Panel
Once an action panel is on a model, you can flip it and configure its content or behaviour. The configuration options vary depending on the action panel selected and include options such as the initial selection, information shown, and placeholder text. You can also 'pin' the action panel to other objects in the model to act as inputs. Pins are typically used to drive content, and to make models interactive when deployed on the web using Active Enterprise.
In the ribbon, there is a group of tabs called Panel that appear when an action panel is selected and is used for formatting purposes.
Below is a GIF showing how to configure a tick box list to show a list of elements:
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