Applies to: 16.076-16.082.02
An issue has been discovered which may cause a malfunction with your web pages:
IN:12241 Link Button panels where the Update Fields on an element action had been applied, can lose their hard-coded flipside values or pins after upgrade.
Similar issues were fixed in 16.082 and 16.076.02 (IN:12218, IN:12134, IN:12111, IN:12137) for normal buttons and forms.
If users have yet to upgrade to 16.082, and did not yet experience this issue on 16.076 then this issue is fully resolved by 16.082.03.
If users have already upgraded to 16.082.02 or an 17.076.02 and not yet re-saved models - then hard-coded values may be recovered, but pins may be lost.
For those users who have already upgraded, the following SQL statement can be run on your SQL Server to help identify the model and panels that may have been affected. Unfortunately this SQL statement does not distinguish between link buttons with the Update Fields on an element action, and those without.
This statement will run across all your MooD databases on the current server which can be read by the executing user. If positive results are discovered, the id of the model can be copied and pasted into Business Architect's Repository Explorer search window, for closer inspection of the flip side of link buttons.
exec sp_MSforeachdb '
IF ''?'' NOT IN(''master'', ''model'', ''msdb'', ''tempdb'')
USE [?]
IF ''MooDEvent'' IN ( SELECT name from sys.tables )
if exists (SELECT * from MooDSymbolNode
where activatorId=''634BF7F011444466A9AA0CF148008FDA'')
SELECT ''?'' [database],
belongsToId [id of model], [name of model], [label of button]
from MooDSymbolNode
inner join MooDModel m
where activatorId=''634BF7F011444466A9AA0CF148008FDA''
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